Welcome back to my project of slowly reviewing all the coffee and cakes in Tallinn with my friend Kid, this week: a proper cake shop! Continue reading Coffee, Cake, and Kid – Levier

Welcome back to my project of slowly reviewing all the coffee and cakes in Tallinn with my friend Kid, this week: a proper cake shop! Continue reading Coffee, Cake, and Kid – Levier
This is a short overview / series for Doctor Who episodes that are my favorite from each doctor after finishing all of the TV show Doctor Who (Old and New). Continue reading Doctor Who: The Comprehensive Guide to Things I Like, Second Doctor Edition
Welcome back to my project of slowly reviewing all the coffee and cakes in Tallinn with my friend Kid, this week we visit a little Italian cafe. Continue reading Coffee, Cake, and Kid– Il Gioco
This is a short overview / series for Doctor Who episodes that are my favorite from each doctor after finishing all of the TV show Doctor Who (Old and New). Continue reading Doctor Who: The Comprehensive Guide to Things I Like, First Doctor Edition
Welcome back to my project to slowly review all the coffee and cakes in Tallinn with my friend Kid, this week it’s a cafe named after a delicious spice. Continue reading Coffee, Cake, and Kid – Kohvik Kardemon
This is a new thing I’m trying out where I go out for cake and coffee with my friend Kid to some of the various coffee shops and cafes around Tallinn. It’s half review and rating and half good excuse to spend more time with my friend. Win-win. Continue reading Coffee, Cake, and Kid – Reval Café (Telliskivi)
The greatest accomplishments of humanity come from genius…and procrastination. Continue reading Novel Ways To Procrastinate